13 Jan 2022
Laying the foundation for an arbitration (CPD 1.5 hr)
Presented by the Christine Meechan QC and Dr Simon Foote QC, chaired by Mark Colthart, this 1.5hr webinar covers:
- Selecting and appointing an arbitrator
- Seeking interim measures and preliminary orders
- The importance of the first procedural conference
- Approaches to the exchange of documents and evidence
- Appointment and conferencing of experts
- Modes of hearing, including taking evidence by AVL
- Preparation for the arbitration hearing
How to access the recording and CPD information:
- Immediate access to this webinar is only available if you have downloaded it because you are a member or you have purchased it using a credit card.
- At the bottom of this page, in the Access to recording and CPD information you will find the link to view the webinar.
- Please ensure you follow the instructions in the booklet to qualify for CPD credit.