Laying the foundation for an arbitration (CPD 1.5 hr)

Presented by the Christine Meechan QC and Dr Simon Foote QC, chaired by Mark Colthart, this 1.5hr webinar covers:

  • Selecting and appointing an arbitrator
  • Seeking interim measures and preliminary orders
  • The importance of the first procedural conference
  • Approaches to the exchange of documents and evidence
  • Appointment and conferencing of experts
  • Modes of hearing, including taking evidence by AVL
  • Preparation for the arbitration hearing

How to access the recording and CPD information:

  1. Immediate access to this webinar is only available if you have downloaded it because you are a member or you have purchased it using a credit card.
  2. At the bottom of this page, in the Access to recording and CPD information you will find the link to view the webinar.
  3. Please ensure you follow the instructions in the booklet to qualify for CPD credit.

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