MBIE Employment Mediation Services under Alert levels 2 and 3
The following message has been provided by Employment Mediation Services
With the recent changes to the COVID-19 alert levels in Auckland (Alert level 3) and the remainder of the country (Alert level 2), the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment has advised that all mediations delivered by the Ministry across New Zealand will be done remotely for the period of the current Alert levels. This is to ensure that we are doing all we can to keep our people and our clients safe.
For those that have mediations this week, we will contact you to change your mediation to telephone or another distance mediation option.
We encourage those with mediations set down this week to proceed remotely. Demand is extraordinary and wait-times are significantly longer than usual. Proceeding as scheduled will help bring employment matters to a close and reduce further delays.
We will review the situation and update service users following updates from the Prime Minister.
We appreciate your patience as we all continue to navigate COVID-19.