Mastering Cross-Examination 2025
The New Zealand Bar Association | Ngā Ahorangi Motuhake o te Ture's Mastering Cross-Examination workshop provides you with a first class training by some of the top members of the profession on the art of Cross-Examination. This workshop will sell out quickly. This is the course you should attend if you are serious about improving your skills.
The workshop uses a combination of theory, performance and critique to ensure that each attendee receives the maximum learning experience. Advocates will have an opportunity to view a range of skills and styles over the course of the workshop and will gain insight into what might work for them.
Who should attend
The workshop is best suited to senior (8 years + Post Admission Experience) and intermediate practitioners (4-7 years PAE).
Unfortunately all places have been sold. To be added to the waiting list click here
Our Course Directors and Faculty
Our Course Directors are Chris Gudsell KC, Rachael Reed KC and Nikki Pender. Our Coaches are all senior counsel or near equivalent experience (senior juniors), together with retired and sitting Judges.
Key features
- CPD credit is 12 hours including attendance.
- Based on the highly successful programme developed by the Australian Bar Association and the Inns of Court College of Advocacy (an advance on the traditional NITA approach).
- Participant to coach ratio is 2:1.
- Highly experienced coaches from the top levels of the profession.
- Civil, criminal and family streams available with different case scenarios for each.
- Teaching is supportive, precise and there is a high degree of collegiality.
- Theoretical underpinning is taught by an on-demand webinar to allow participants to structure their own time.
- The time at the workshop is spent on practical activities including one on one coaching and simulated cross-examination presentations.
- Participants are placed in workgroups of four people and two coaches to ensure support and collegiality.
- You will be required to undertake at least four hours of preparatin, including attending a one hour webinar and preparing your Cross-Examination.
During the workshop, participants will:
- Have coaching sessions with highly experienced coaches.
- Undertake simulated cross-examination sessions.
- Receive feedback from the judge;
- Receive feedback from coaches and be given an individualised summary of performance and areas to consider.
- Replay their cross, addressing the points made in the morning session.
- Observe a demonstration of skills and techniques by senior counsel.
Learning outcomes
- An understanding of the purpose and scope of cross-examination.
- Knowledge of the applicable rules of evidence.
- Knowledge of applicable professional conduct standards.
- A grasp of the methods for accrediting and discrediting witnesses.
- The ability to ensure that the cross-examination is consistent with the theory of the case.
- The ability to frame questions and to structure the cross-examination effectively.
- Techniques for controlling witnesses.
- The ability to avoid confrontation or aggression.
- An understanding of how to adapt the questioning to suit particular types of witnesses.
- Awareness of how to cross-examine from documents.
- The ability to manage unhelpful answers.
To register for the limited spaces still available:
0-8 practitioners - fill in your email address in the form below, click Look Up to receive appropriate member discount (amount you will pay shows futher down). Complete all fields and add to cart. Then visit your cart and proceed through all stages of the checkout process. You will know you have successfully registered when you receive a confirmation containing a zoom meeting link.
4-7 practitioners - email us and we can apply the discounted price before invoicing.
Contact Information
For enquiries about this workshop, please email our Administrator, Rufina Pollett.
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Additional Information
Ticket Prices:
- Members 8+ PAE - $834.79 (plus GST) – total ticket price $960
- Non-member - 8+ PAE - $1043.48 (plus GST) – total ticket price $1,200
- Members 4-7 PAE - $626.10 (plus GST) – total ticket price $720
- Non-members 4-7 PAE - $782.61 (plus GST) total ticket price $900
Group Discounts:
There is no group pricing.
Cancellation and Refund Policy:
If a participant is unable to attend the workshop, the participant can nominate a substitute to attend at no additional cost. If a substitute cannot be found, a refund less a service fee of $50.00 will apply to all cancellations (received in writing) before midday Friday 21 February 2025. There will be no refunds for cancellations received after that time. The NZBA reserves the right to cancel or reschedule workshops if necessary.