Access to Justice Award 2024

In 2022, we launched the inaugural LexisNexis/New Zealand Bar Association | Ngā Ahorangi Motuhake o Te Ture Access to Justice Award. The winner, Frances Joychild KC, spoke about the importance of everyone's work in this area.
LexisNexis and the Bar Association are now opening nominations for the 2024 Award. We invite you to nominate colleagues - or yourselves - for this award. The award is open to all New Zealand barristers sole, barristers and solicitors, academics, and/or law students. A Nominee does not need to hold a current practising certificate.
The award is intended to recognise a New Zealander (or qualifying New Zealand resident) who has made an outstanding contribution to the promotion of access to justice (i.e., to improving fair and equal access to justice for individuals and/or communities).
This may have been through advocacy, academia, leadership and/or influence.
We anticipate that the winner of the award will have demonstrated a strong commitment to access to justice and/or pro bono activities.
The winner will win a trophy, a tailored package from LexisNexis, and a cash award from the Bar Association.
The award will be presented at the formal dinner at our Trans-Tasman Bar Conference on 17 August 2024. The winner will be notified in advance and will receive a conference ticket and accommodation.
Please read the Award Criteria before filling in the Nomination Form. Please email the applications to us.
For any questions, please contact our Executive Director.