The NZBA is governed by a Bar Council, membership of which is determined by the election procedure prescribed in the NZBA Rules. The Bar Council comprises the President, Treasurer, Secretary, regional Vice Presidents, and members. A list of the current Bar Council members can be found here.

There are four formal council meetings each year. In the months where we do not hold a formal meeting, the Bar Council usually meets informally for a shorter period to discuss current projects.  The Bar Council may meet on other occasions to consider specific projects. It is also able to "meet" and vote by electronic means such as email if an urgent matter requires immediate attention.

The Governance, Audit, and Risk Committee reviews Council actions and activities and informs the Council of matters that should be taken into account. There are a series of high level governance policies that have been developed by this committee and which guide the Council in the conduct of the affairs of the Association. Members may view those policies here.

Finally, the Management Committee monitors and assists with the day-to-day running of the Association. 

The NZBA has a committee structure to help it to deal with the workload and to provide services and support to members. Details on the current committees can be found here.

Members should feel free to contact any of the Council members - or the President - with any matters they would like raised on their behalf at future Council meetings.

The NZBA Council meetings are scheduled on the following dates:

8 March 2024Auckland
1 July 2024Online
15 August 2024Queenstown

Further meeting dates to be confirmed