Juniors meet Seniors
The New Zealand Bar Association | Ngā Ahorangi Motuhake o te Ture (the Bar Association) Junior Barrister Committee has arranged a social function which will give Junior practitioners an opportunity to meet Senior members of the profession in a relaxed social setting. Bankside Chambers has generously offered their chambers for this event. Junior barristers (and others interested in a career at the bar) are invited for a short presentation followed by networking from 5.00pm to 7.00pm on Thursday 11 April 2024.
We invite all members 0-7 years PQE to take this opportunity to mix and mingle with senior barristers in a collegial and relaxed environment.
We know our junior bar is the profession's future and are keen to get to know those who may currently not be members, but may be interested in joining us in the future. For that reason, we ask our members to pass details of this event on to their juniors, clerks, and employed barristers.
The Bar Association would like to thank Bankside Chambers for allowing us to hold this event at their chambers.
This event is free. However, for catering purposes, please reply via the RSVP link below.
We look forward to seeing you.
Contact Information
Click here to contact the organiser