Jury Trials for the Weeks Beginning 17 and 24 August - From the Chief Justice

Following on from the Prime Minister’s announcement that the Auckland region will remain at Alert Level 3 until at least 26 August, the Chief Justice has confirmed that:

a.      No jury trials scheduled to start during the week of 17 August in the Auckland or Manukau District Court, or the Auckland High Court will be heard that week.

b.      People who have a jury summons to attend at the Auckland or Manukau District Court, or the Auckland High Court in the week beginning 17 August are therefore excused attendance for that week. If any further attendance is required beyond that week, the court registry will contact them.

c.       The District Court and High Court will be reviewing whether jury trials can resume after 26 August in the Auckland region.

d.      People who have a jury summons to attend at the Auckland or Manukau District Court, or the Auckland High Court in the week beginning 24 August will be contacted by the court registry to explain whether their attendance is required.

Jury trials that were underway in the week beginning 10 August in the Auckland region were adjourned on 12 August. A limited number of those trials will resume next Monday, 17 August. The trials that will resume are those which have reached the deliberation stage.

Court registry staff will contact jurors in the Auckland region who are required to attend court on Monday for those trials.

The Ministry of Justice’s health and safety arrangements for Alert Level 3 can be found at MoJ Health and Safety at Alert Level 3. Alert Level 3 physical distancing arrangements are in place throughout the courthouse. Supplies of masks, gloves and hand sanitiser are available for all participants at court.

Jury Trials and Juror Attendance in areas subject to Alert Level 2 restrictions

The Prime Minister announced the rest of the country remains at Alert Level 2.

The Chief Justice has confirmed that all trials scheduled to be heard in the rest of the country will continue as scheduled. Jurors summoned to attend or who are currently serving on trials are requested to attend as per their summons document or any instruction from court registry staff.

The Ministry of Justice’s health and safety arrangements for Alert Level 2 can be found at MoJ Health and Safety at Alert Level 2. Alert Level 2 physical distancing arrangements are in place in throughout all courthouses. Supplies of masks, gloves and hand sanitiser are available for all participants at court.

Vital service

Jury trials had only been able to re-commence throughout New Zealand on August 3. The Chief Justice says that thanks to the commitment of all those participating, jury trials have however continued to run successfully in both the District and High Court outside of Auckland under Level 2 conditions.

“We know the pandemic has resulted in significant delays for those awaiting trial and the human costs of these delays are high.

“Those who have performed jury service since trials resumed, and those who are summoned to serve in coming weeks are making a vital contribution to the delivery of justice at this crucial time and I thank them for that service."

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