This membership is open to:

  1. Any New Zealand Judicial Officer;
  2. Any person employed as a Judges' Clerk and eligible to hold a New Zealand practising certificate;
  3. Any person employed in the New Zealand Crown Law Office, a member or employee of a law firm holding a New Zealand Crown Solicitor Warrant and an employee of the New Zealand Public Defence Service who holds a practising certificate;
  4. Any person working as a legal academic who does not hold a practising certificate;
  5. Any person enrolled as a barrister and solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand who does not hold a practising certificate as a barrister sole, with the approval of the NZBA Council - the Council may grant or refuse its approval on such grounds as it in its sole discretion considers appropriate and may likewise revoke its approval at any time. If applying for this category, in addition to completing the appropriate associate member application below, please click here to email a cover letter outlining your qualifications, including the nature of your practice and reasons for applying to be an associate member of the NZBA.  Please include a copy of your CV if relevant;
  6. Any person with a right to practise law as a barrister or in a manner similar to a barrister in any other country, with the approval of the NZBA Council - the Council may grant or refuse its approval on such grounds as it in its sole discretion considers appropriate and may likewise revoke its approval at any time. If applying for this category, in addition to completing the appropriate associate member application below, please click here to email a letter outlining your qualifications and reasons for applying to be an associate member of the NZBA.
  7. Any person enrolled as a barrister or solicitor who at retirement held a practising certificate issued which entitled them to practice as a barrister but who has since retired from practice and who no longer holds a practising certificate;
  8. Any person enrolled as a barrister or solicitor who, at retirement, held office entitling them to become a judicial member but who has since retired from such office and who does not hold a practising certificate.

Please complete the appropriate associate membership application form online. If your associate membership application relates to associate membership category 5 or 6 above, we will be in touch to confirm if your associate membership application has been accepted by the Council.

GST exclusive membership pricing:

  • Associate Member - Judge $152.17 plus GST $22.83 = total $175.00
  • Associate Member - Judges' Clerk $86.96 plus GST $13.04 = total $100.00
  • Associate Member - Academic $152.17 plus GST $22.83 = total $175.00
  • Associate Member - Crown Law/PDS $152.17 plus GST $22.83 = total $175.00
  • Associate Member - KC / SC International $300.00 (zero rated for GST)
  • Associate Member - Barrister International $150.00 (zero rated for GST)
  • Associate Member - Non-practising $152.17 plus GST $22.83 = total $175.00
  • Associate Member - Crown Solicitors $152.17 plus GST $22.83 = total $175.00
  • Associate Member - Barrister & Solicitor $217.39 plus GST $32.61 = total $250.00

Membership pricing below includes GST and is pro-rated to our membership year, which runs from 1 April to 31 March.

Membership - Assoc Judge
Membership - Assoc Judges Clerks
Membership - Assoc Academic
Membership - Assoc Crown Law / PDS
Membership - Assoc KC / SC International
Membership - Assoc Barristers Int
Membership - Assoc Retired Barristers / Non Practising
Membership - Assoc Crown Solicitors
Membership - Assoc Barristers and Solicitors