22 February 2021
Employment Court: COVID-19 Protocol Chief Judge Christina Inglis
This protocol replaces the protocol issued on 17 February 2021 and applies from midnight on Monday 22 February 2021 for all of New Zealand, at Alert Level 1.
Under Alert Level 1
1. Under Alert Level 1 the Employment Court will, in general, return to normal operations.
2. The use of remote participation will remain available for use on application in appropriate cases.
3. If counsel, or other persons required or proposing to attend a hearing (for example, a party or a witness), are unwell, they should not attend Court. If this applies, the presiding Judge should be advised so that alternative arrangements for the appearance can be made.
4. All Courts have posters displaying the applicable NZ COVID Tracer QR code and paper records in place at the entranceway for attendees to record their attendance. People attending at Court are expected to use them.
5. Face masks and hand sanitiser will be available in Courts, and their use is encouraged.
6. The Ministry of Justice will continue to provide the hygiene measures described on their website [Alert Level 1].
7. Any concerns about health and safety practices in the Court should be raised with the Registrar in the first instance.
Contact details
Registrar: Mima Bobot
Phone: 09 916 6359
Email: mima.bobot@justice.govt.nz Emergency phone: 027 295 6673
Electronic filing to be sent to: mima.bobot@justice.govt.nz Postal: Employment Court, DX CX 10086, Auckland
Wellington and Christchurch
Registrar: Joseph Buckton
Phone: 04 918 8313
Email: joseph.buckton@justice.govt.nz Emergency phone: 021 946 790
Electronic filing to be sent to: joseph.buckton@justice.govt.nz Postal: Employment Court, DX SX 10009, Wellington