Strict enforcement of content and page limits for submissions and bundles

The Chief High Court Judge advises counsel that due to concerns over the extent of submissions and the size of bundles of authorities produced for interlocutory hearings, the content and  page limits set out in r 7.39 of the High Court Rules will be enforced with immediate effect.

Counsel are particularly asked to note the following:

1.    There is a 10 page limit on synopses of submissions;

2.    Only a list of authorities need be provided, not photocopies of the authorities themselves.  Where counsel wish to take a judge to specific passages within a particular judgment during argument the whole judgment could be provided, but it is otherwise unnecessary to create bundles of authorities the Court will not be asked to open at the hearing.

Filing hyperlinked electronic documents
Counsel are also encouraged to consider filing an electronic copy of the synopsis which contains hyperlinks to the relevant documents and authorities. This is not a requirement of the Rules but adopting the practice would assist in the efficient disposition of these cases.

Hon Justice G J Venning
Chief High Court Judge – Te Kaiwhakawā Matua
31 July 2017

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Telephone 04 914 3671


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