The Bar in 2021 - The NZBA Plans Ahead - CANCELLED

5:00pm Friday, 19 February 2021
7:00pm Friday, 19 February 2021
The ANZ Pavilion
ANZ Tower, lobby level 23 Albert Street
Auckland, AUCKLAND 1010
New Zealand

Regrettably, the Level 3 alert in Auckland meant that this event has been cancelled. 

The NZBA Council and staff were disappointed, but we will consider scheduling a similar event  later in the year.

He waka eke noa. (A whakataukī - we are in this waka together)

To start the New Year, the NZBA President, Paul Radich QC, and the Council invite you to drinks and nibbles to meet your Council.  There will be a brief presentation about our plans and expectations for 2021 and how the NZBA is preparing to respond to the changing environment that barristers face. Take the opportunity to meet with colleagues and meet Council members from around the country. If you don't normally attend NZBA functions, this is a good time to start, with most of the Council being present to welcome you and introduce you to those you don't know.  There is no charge for members.

Members of the legal profession who are not NZBA members, but who are considering joining, are also welcome to join us (ticket price $20).

We look forward to seeing you there!

Please register below.

Need help registering? Follow these instructions.

  • Scroll to the bottom
  • Click on Register for this Event
  • Put in your email address and press LOOKUP
  • Put in your name
  • Add any dietary or access
  • Add to cart
  • If you are not logged in, now is the time to do so. You can do that using your email as your login and your selected password.  The first time you log in, you will need to set your own password.
  • Click on your cart (it may or may not show any items in the cart from the home screen some browsers do, others don’t)
  • In the cart should be the ticket and for members $0 amount.  If it has a $ amount then you are not logged in or using an email that does not relate to your membership
  • Choose checkout
  • Check billing address on next screen and scroll down and click next
  • Place order

If you have registered correctly, you will receive a confirmation. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Contact Information

Click here to contact the organiser

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